Psalm 119:89, James 1:17 (2 Timothy 2:13)
Our world presents challenging times for the Christian believer because of the relativism of our times. Ascribed meanings do not hold for long before they are challenged by something that is seen to be in vogue.
Just when one thought that he/she had mastered something, he/she is presented with a newer version of the same. The liminal space becomes challenging to navigate especially if one has not foreseen changes. How then is a Christian believer to remain steadfast in faith in such an unstable world? How does the Christian believer stand firm in a world that challenges Christo-culture while preferring one that is contrary to Christ? Living in a post-Christian world, how can a Christian remain firm in faith? How does a Christian keep Christ at the center of all that he/she does? All these questions find their answer in the nature of the unchanging God. When we seek God in his word we encounter his unchanging character. ‘He is the same yesterday, today and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8)
In a dynamic world, that which doesn’t change is often found to be boring and often runs the risk of being rendered obsolete. A case in point is mobile phone sets. Ever so often the manufacturers add features that make a set rise from a lower version to a higher version that is compatible with higher version software. Tech savvy persons will prefer the very highest version because of the promise it holds for better performance as compared to lower versions. While this is true for gadgets, the same cannot be said about the word of God. It remains unchanging, since God is unchanging. ‘He is the same yesterday, today and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8). As a matter of fact, the word of God is always present because God is ever present. Thus, it is eternally unchanged and unchanging. It provides the stability one needs in an ever-changing world.
For a Christian believer to remain steadfast, he/she needs to encounter and engage the unchanging word of God for it is what ultimately holds life together. Picture the traditional African hut. It has a center pole that keeps the hut held together. This pole is made of very strong wood so that it can hold the weight of the roof and thus keep the house balanced, and stable. Even when the thatch has to be replaced, or, a fresh coat of mud has to be plastered on the walls or floor the center pole remains unmoved. Its stability is what holds the whole building together.
As a Christian believer, for you to remain balanced in life, there is need to keep Christ at the center of your life. In a world that is counter-culture to Christ, the only way to stand firm is to stand on he that is the firm foundation. Like the center pole that holds the hut together, only the unchanging word of God can help the Christian to remain balanced and standing firm.
When we keep gazing at the word of God, our nature is changed to be like He is. In the unchanging word of God, we see the perfect image of God. As we continually gaze into his perfect word we begin to conform to Christ’s image. It is said that the baby zebra is kept away from the rest of the pack at birth. While in this seclusion, it keeps gazing at the forehead of the mother so as to study the patterns on her forehead. Once the mother is satisfied, the baby zebra is then reintegrated into the rest of the community. The time of seclusion is meant to enable the young zebra to study and note the peculiar pattern of the mother’s forehead. So peculiar is this pattern that the young one cannot confuse his/her mother with any other zebra in the pack.
So peculiar is the word of God that no other written works can measure up. When the believer takes time to keep gazing at it, reading and meditating on it, he is well instructed. As the people of God were about to enter the promised land, Joshua was given very clear instructions regarding the word of God. He was commanded to ‘keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful’ (Joshua 1:8). As the fortunes of the people of God were about to change, there was need to give them a solid reference that was unchanging. As in our world today, they were going to encounter challenging times in their new home. The word of God was the buffer they needed. By it they were promised success regardless of the challenges they would face.
In our world today, this is the buffer we need. God is his word. He ensures that what he has spoken comes to pass (Jeremiah 1:12). As we enjoy a good life, we need to be able to stand firm in a challenging world and not be swayed by all manner of things. Make sure to spend time with our heavenly Father. He ‘does not change like shifting shadows’ (James 1:17). His word is settled in heaven as unchanging (Psalm 119:89). Our God is forever faithful to help us withstand the tempest of a raging world.
Enjoy a blessed September.