Joel 2:21-27, Luke 8:4-56
Hope is the attitude that things will be better or brighter in the coming days. When either going through difficult times or challenging times or when anticipating something in a different form or more glorious form from the current form, that right attitude and belief that things will be and looking forward for such is what we can call hope. That moment between the current state of things and the realization of the expected is what I refer to as Hope.
Restoration is now when the expected is in the process and finally realised.
When the Jews were in captivity for seventy years (70yrs), they kept their faith in hope that they will one day walk free and that came to be. When Abraham was told to sacrifice his son, he told the son that God will provide and when all the processes were on going, Isaac the son hoped to see God providing and at the end of it He did. But Isaac was going through very tough times asking questions why him but again because of believing in his Father, he did not offer any resistance.
When we keep our faith that things will change, we keep our hope alive.
Murmuring comes in due to uncertainty of how things are, why they are the way are, how the future will look like and when we are not even sure of ourselves. Our Hope is crippled, eroded and we remain in a state of hopelessness and faithlessness.
We need to always remember that the enemy is at work to cripple our hope and faith while on the same note, the Spirit of God is at work within us encouraging us to hold on.
1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “God will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bare and if it comes, God will make a way of escape”. That means we have to hold on until something happens.
In prayers, we have an acronym; PUSH. Pray Until Something Happens. We need to be persistent in prayers to keep our hopes alive. This is the tool we need so as to allow the process of restoration to take shape.
For you to remain hopeful, you must be prayerful, a bible reader and live as the word says. Always sing praises to God. One should always attach himself/herself with people who will or can offer hope. Fellowship offers a very important ground of one's growth in faith and Hope.
In the current state of affairs in many things, the hope of many has been eroded and faithlessness is high. There are however many chances where believers are attempting to solve issues by themselves and in their own ways. This has contributed immensely in comptonization of faith and hope thus restoration process is dushed.
Today we can choose to just have that hope and faith that things will work no matter the current state of things.
As believers, we are told to just believe in God and trust in him for he has plan for us. With God, one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day. We cannot and should not at any point lose our faith and hope in God. We cannot and should not conform to the standards of this
We have the opportunity to show the world that we serve and believe in God who is beyond and above all seasons. Our future is designed by God himself and not dictated by the seasons we at times find ourselves in.
Micah 7:8. “We will rise again”. Let this be one of the messages that should drive our hope and faith in God.
God bless you. Shalom