2 Kings 4:1-7, Hebrews 11:6-16.
We live in a world that has really lost touch with their God. It’s only through faith that we can reconnect with our God. The faith of many has dwindled, that people live and do as they wish in total disregard of what God wants or has said.
In the story of the widow of the servant of Prophet; she goes and talks to Elisha and when she is told what to do, she does exactly that without asking any question.
Today I doubt, how many people will obey everything being told to them without questions. To many, I think will want to know the rationale behind that. Today’s Christians have not allowed their faith in God to inform their actions hence so much luke warmness. We have those who can even critic the way things are said and done and employ human thinking in almost everything. We have those who will employ science in the way things are said and done in Church.
We however have those that take the word of God the way it is and ask no question but allow the Spirit of God to lead and guide them.
How did Abraham become the father of Faith?
Abraham believed God and did not even consult with his larger family when it came to doing what God asked Him to do. This qualified him to be the father of faith.
All the early Church fathers and the heroes of faith did not question when God asked them to do something.
I wonder if today the Bible is re-written, how many of us have faith that will find itself into the Bible?
The widow when she was told of what to do, she went knocking into the neighbours’ houses in such of empty containers until there was no more empty container. She got as many containers as she could. She did not bring reason into the event but trusted what the Prophet asked her to do. She was also very careful not to get anything wrong and she therefore kept consulting prophet Elisha until she was off the hook of losing her sons.
In this life, reasons have made many of the believers lose touch with God. We are therefore told to believe that God is able to do more than we can imagine or think of.
With faith you can do anything you wish to do as long as it is in line with the word of God.
Our firm foundation is built on our faith. This is the foundation that makes us stable even as we journey with God. When you have faith, you do things as if there are no challenges but you keep doing them anyway as long as God has okayed it. This again will enable you to ignore the opposing forces and you remain focused.
As a believer, know who to talk to or where to run to in the event you feel your faith going down. Not all around you will be an encouragement to you. Others may work against your faith but when you hook up with the faithful ones and those who trust God, you are assured of growing in faith.
Faith is taking risk. This is the foundation we all need in this journey of faith.
God bless us all.