1 KINGS 18:41-45; JAMES 2:14-17
James highlights a challenge that stirs up Christians minds to think deep, reflect and act upon their actions as Christians even today in the 21st century. James 2:17 - so you see, faith by itself isn’t enough unless it produces good deeds. It is dead and useless.
Many Christians believe faith by itself is enough but James insists on faith in action as good means to bring forth good fruits in the Christian walk of faith. Paul in the book of Romans insist of offering our bodies as a living sacrifice and as a true act of worship (Romans 12:1-3)
The truth is that we all are in Church to grow spiritually and bear so much fruit in the Kingdom of God, we are created in the image of God. The major question that we need to think about is how do we grow spiritually? God delights in us growing through obedience, reverence, and reaching out to others who need to hear the message of God.
T. Kendall writes in his book having a faith without works means you will never know God more intimately than you did in your moment of conversion. We therefore need to put our Christianity into practice by taking the step of faith and acting in a manner that will please God and humanity. James is encouraging Christians to be hospitable to one another, love one another above self, reach out to the needy by just not listening to their plights but equally acting by giving.
Lavington United Church has been doing outreach ministry through Urafiki which is very good but this message is equally encouraging us to do more and reach out to a wider community and bring forth transformation in the world.
Mathew 28:19-20 - the great Commission is a good practical example of mission to the world to whom we are beneficiaries, the disciples were sent to make other disciples baptising them and commissioning them to reach out to others. Good works bring glory and honour to God Almighty.
Indeed, our relationship to God is what makes us valuable and fulfilled in the Christian faith. God’s desire is that we have an intimate relationship with him and equally spread to others to come to Him.
God bless you ALL.