Ref: Psalms 11.3; 1 Peter 2.4-19
We greet you the beloved of God and remind you that you are valued and cherished by our creator God who want the best for each one of us. Our today's topic is shifting foundations. For the last 3 Sundays. We have seen how Jesus christ is the sure, precious and tested foundation from where we can build our lives.
In psalms 11.3, we read about the foundations that are being destroyed and believers are being asked what they will do when those foundations are falling apart.This fact is in line with Deutronomy 32.3 that says that there are some people who do not accept Jesus christ as their foundational rock
As Jesus taught in Matthew 7.24ff, people can choose to built their lives from the rock Jesus Christ and they will stand firm and overcome all type of life storms. On the other hand, those who refuse to build their lives from the rock Jesus christ chooses to build their lives on shifting foundations which Jesus described as shifting sands.
Shifting sands include basing our lives on modern philosophies and worldview, cultural beliefs, new world order beliefs including modern technology, money, pleasure etc. While these things are useful in our lives, basing our whole lives on them is risky. Unlike Jesus christ who guides us on how to live our lives and overcome life hurdles, the shifting sands cannot guide us. Depending on the shifting foundations will lead to faulty buildings that can crumble any time. We encourage Christians to ensure that they have built their lives on the word of God and not on the shifting foundations.
May God help us as we desire to build our lives on the sure foundation