LUC History

Lavington United Church was founded in 1960 through a joint effort of the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK), Methodist Church of Kenya (MCK) and the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) as a community church to minister to the Lavington community.

In the post-World War II 1950's quite a number of people felt they wanted a change and many chose, Africa as a sparsely populated 'land of opportunity'.

Nairobi in particular expanded rapidly with an influx of settlers from overseas – mainly Europe but also local Africans. In the new housing estates around Nairobi groups of Christians begun meeting in the spirit of 'where two or three are gathered in My Name I am there with them.' Matthew 18:20.

They were galvanized into action by the offer of two plots free by the Buchannan's Kenya Estates, makers of a well-known Scottish Black and White whiskey, who were developing the Lavington area. One plot was to be for the Anglicans and one for the Presbyterians – there were few Methodists in Nairobi at that time.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit and encouraged by the shortage of manpower, money and other resources representatives of the three main line protestant churches – Anglican, Presbyterian and Methodist decided to combine together and use one of the plots for a combined united church and the other for a minister's house and church hall.

The Methodist provided the largest sum of money and a minister so it was decided that the church should be under the jurisdiction and discipline of the Methodist Church in Kenya.

So a delicate balance had to be struck by the Leaders of Lavington Church between being a normal Methodist church and one that catered for the Anglicans, Presbyterians and the Community of Lavington generally.

Truly God led those early leaders and congregations as they signed a formal agreement to build a united church and Lavington Church was formally opened by the Governor Sir Patrick Renison on 4 June 1960.

Some members of Lavington doubted whether such an ecumenical arrangement would work in practice. On 4th July 2010 we celebrated the 50th (Golden) Anniversary, so it is clear that with God all things are possible.

Article by the Late Dr. Andrew Hicks – Went to be with the Lord in May 2017 at a prime age of 98. He witnessed the laying of the foundations of the church in 1959.

12 June 1959


The foundations of the Church were laid

12 June 1959

12 June 2030

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12 June 2030

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

12 June 2030

12 June 2030

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

P.O. Box 25030, 00603 Nairobi, kenya

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